Breast tissue can be affected by a great number of factors, including weight gain and loss, pregnancy, gravity, age, and genetic influences. If you’re dissatisfied with the appearance of your breasts due to increased sagging or loss of volume, a breast lift from our experienced plastic surgeons, Dr. W. Tracy Hankins and Dr. Samuel M. Sohn, may be able to help you achieve a firmer, more youthful-looking bust line. As a surgical procedure, some incisions will be made to address the area of concern; however, with the latest techniques, our surgeons often can lift the breasts without breast implants and with minimal visible scarring. Having said that, it’s important for you to understand that all breast lift surgery will involve some scarring.
There are essentially three basic approaches to breast lift surgery. The first type involves what is commonly called a “lollipop” incision. In this technique, a circular incision will be made around the areola (outer nipple area) and then a single incision will be made down the center front of the breast. This is one of the most popular methods to use, as the scarring typically will be minimal while still allowing for significant control over breast shape. The second option is more intricate, and involves a third incision along the breast fold, on the underside of the breast. This is sometimes referred to as an anchor incision due to the similarity in shape. While this technique can offer superior shaping potential, without a breast implant the profile may be flatter than with the former method.
The approach that offers the fewest incisions is the periareolar mastopexy, which utilizes a single circular incision around the areola to address sagging breast tissue. There are benefits and drawbacks to every method, and only certain candidates will qualify for this procedure. Shaping will be more limited with this option, with approximately one to two centimeters of lift possible. The scar usually can be completely hidden in the areola, so this method may be appealing to you if that is a priority. Dr. Hankins and Dr. Sohn can determine if this technique is suitable for your needs and goals during your initial consultation.
If you had additional questions about breast lift surgery, or if you would like to schedule a consultation with Dr. Hankins or Dr. Sohn, please contact us today.