In the past week, Dr. Sohn was allowed to participate in an exclusive event scheduled by Allergan, one of the pre-eminent manufacturers of aesthetic products, including Botox, Juvederm, and Natrelle breast implants. An educational conference and cadaver lab was held, where we were amongst the first 50 plastic surgeons in the nation to use, feel, and learn about a new surgical material that will help to improve the way we approach and treat breast and body aesthetics and reconstruction. While we are not allowed to elaborate on the product as it is not yet available on the market, we are pleased with the dynamics and potential application of the product, and will be giving further updates as we are able. Thank you to Allergan and it’s subsidiaries for allowing us to participate in the event! At Hankins and Sohn Plastic Surgery, we always look to be the best in plastic surgery services for our Las Vegas clientele, and we want to bring you the top plastic surgeons tools in every category to give you the quality and results you deserve.