It’s perfectly understandable that you’re eager to see the final results of your breast augmentation with lift. Our board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. W. Tracy Hankins, encourages you to remain patient while your body heals. Remember: the recovery period is an important part of achieving the outcome you and he discussed. You should be able to get an idea of what your breasts will ultimately look like within two to four months, and any questions you have about your progress can be directed to our skilled and friendly medical team.
One of the most common questions is how long swelling will last. You may have heard that this effect can continue for up to a year or more. This is true. However, the good news is you probably won’t notice the swelling after a few months. Scars can also take some time to heal. They typically start out pink and raised, but they should fade in color and flatten as the months pass. Topical scar-reduction treatments and laser skin resurfacing can also help reduce the appearance of these marks.
It’s hard to wait, but it’s worth it. We’re here to help if you have any questions along the way.