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What Is Rhinoplasty?

Due to its central location, the nose can have a significant impact on the overall appearance of the face. Nose reshaping surgery, known as rhinoplasty or colloquially as a “nose job”, can help to modify the size, shape, and angle of the nose so that it harmonizes with the other facial features. Rhinoplasty can also correct and repair functional issues, such as breathing difficulties in addition to achieving a more aesthetically appealing look. Our Las Vegas Rhinoplasty Specialists, Board Certified Plastic Surgeons, Dr. Hankins and Dr. Sohn utilize the latest techniques to address a comprehensive range of simple and complex nasal concerns. If you’re dissatisfied with your nose for cosmetic reasons or functional concerns caused by trauma, chronic sinus issues, or birth defects, our plastic surgery practice may be able to help.

If you would like to learn more about rhinoplasty, contact our practice today. Our friendly and knowledgeable medical team can answer your questions and help you to schedule a consultation.

Ethnic and Asian Rhinoplasty

Cosmetic surgery should be customized to suit the individual needs and goals of the patient to achieve the optimal outcome, and this often includes taking into consideration a person’s ethnic background. Beauty comes in all shapes, sizes, and colors, and what may be flattering and appealing to one person may not be so for another. Respecting the differences that make each race and ethnicity unique allows our surgeons to offer plastic surgery procedures that achieve natural-looking results while enhancing the appearance and function of this area.

Revision Rhinoplasty

If you had rhinoplasty performed by another surgeon and are dissatisfied with the results, our plastic surgeons can often If you had rhinoplasty performed by another surgeon and are dissatisfied with your new nose, our plastic surgeons can often enhance your outcome through a secondary procedure called revision rhinoplasty. This surgical procedure may also be used if insufficient improvement in breathing is attained in the primary rhinoplasty operation. Revision rhinoplasty tends to be considerably more complex than the first surgery, which is why it is essential to choose a plastic surgeon with the skill and artistic vision to achieve the desired outcome. Our surgeons are extensively trained and have decades of experience performing primary and secondary rhinoplasty.1

Choosing a Rhinoplasty Surgeon

Nose surgery is a delicate and complex operation, and selecting a qualified and capable plastic surgeon to perform the procedure is an important part of achieving the desired outcome. Plastic surgeons who are certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, like Dr. Hankins and Dr. Sohn have extensive training in performing facial plastic surgery. To remain board-certified, they are required to complete continuing education courses to ensure they are familiar with the latest techniques and technology. This is designed to enhance patient safety and results. We also encourage patients considering this procedure to review a prospective surgeon’s rhinoplasty before-and-after photo gallery. By examining what the physician can accomplish, you will develop a better understanding of their skill and whether they can help you in your goals.

pretty blonde woman wearing red lipstick

Rhinoplasty Procedure

Rhinoplasty surgery is a highly precise surgery performed under general anesthesia that requires extensive training, abundant experience, and an artistic eye to achieve optimal results. Your needs and goals will be unique to you, and our plastic surgeons will discuss your plans during the initial consultation to form a clear idea of your desired outcome. Dr. Hankins and Dr. Sohn can address a multitude of concerns, including dorsal humps, nasal bridge width, nostril size, nasal tip angle, nose height, deviated septum, any asymmetry, and more. Our surgeons also recognize that men and women often have different aesthetic goals. We make every effort to ensure your final result flatters you, and your care, comfort, and results are our highest priorities. 

There are multiple rhinoplasty techniques available, including “open” and “closed” approaches. An open method involves creating an incision in the columella, which is the skin that separates the two nostrils. This option provides more direct access to the internal structures including the nasal bones and the nasal tissues and is indicated should any cartilage grafts be necessary. Closed rhinoplasty typically has no external incisions and can result in less swelling; however, it’s not appropriate for every patient. Our surgeons will inform you which treatment can give you the best result possible, and they can help guide your final decision.

Rhinoplasty Recovery

Nose reshaping surgery typically will be an outpatient procedure, and rhinoplasty patients can usually return home soon after the operation. It’s important for you to keep your head elevated for the first two weeks after nasal surgery, and you can use several stacked pillows to help provide the right amount of lift when lying down. You should also take time off from work and regular activities for about 7-14 days, or as long as the surgeon recommends. Strenuous activity should be avoided for at least a month, and perhaps longer depending on whether the type of recreation could lead to a nasal injury. You will likely experience significant bruising and swelling on the face for the first two-to-four days, which should subside quickly after that point. We can provide pain medication to alleviate any discomfort. You can expect to return for a follow-up appointment one week following surgery. During this appointment, your surgeon will check your healing progress and remove any sutures or splints placed during the procedure. Some patience will be necessary during the healing process to ensure your outcome is as discussed. Within a month of surgery, however, your nose should look more refined and the new contours will be closer to the final result.  Although some minor swelling may continue to resolve over the next year, this may or may not be noticeable to you.

Planning Your Rhinoplasty Procedure*

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Average Procedure Time:
1 – 2 hours

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Average Recovery Time:
2 weeks

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Post-Op Consultation:
8 weeks

*Your treatment plan at Hankins & Sohn Plastic Surgery Associates will be customized to meet your needs and your individual experience will vary depending on a number of factors. All information provided on this page is an estimate of typical time and cost and does not represent an offer or guarantee of pricing or availability. Please schedule a consultation appointment to discuss which options may apply to you.

Frequently Asked Questions About Rhinoplasty

We know you likely have many questions about rhinoplasty, so our surgeons have answered some of the more common ones to help you in your research. If you would like additional information on rhinoplasty or any other cosmetic procedure we offer, or if you’re ready to schedule a consultation, please contact our office.

  • What are the pros and cons of rhinoplasty?

    Nose surgery is one of the most commonly performed aesthetic enhancement procedures. This technique is designed to enhance the cosmetic appearance of the nose, and can also be used to improve breathing function. Rhinoplasty can modify the size and shape of the nose in many ways, including changing the width of the bridge, addressing humps or bumps, altering the angle of the tip, reducing or expanding the size of the nostrils, and several other features. During your initial consultation, our doctors will discuss your goals and evaluate your needs to develop a customized treatment plan.2

  • Can rhinoplasty improve my breathing problems?

    Absolutely. Rhinoplasty is often used to address breathing problems and issues with congestion that may be caused by a patient’s anatomy. This technique is sometimes called septoplasty, as it often requires modifying the wall that separates the two nostrils, which is called the septum. A deviated septum can cause a blockage in one or both nasal passages, leading to difficulties breathing and other concerns. Our team can determine if a deviated septum or another condition is affecting your ability to breathe and take that into consideration when devising your treatment plan.3

  • How much does rhinoplasty cost?

    The price of rhinoplasty will vary based on the details of your individualized treatment plan. Factors like the complexity of the procedure, whether this is a primary or secondary surgery, and other considerations will play a role in the final cost. To help you make the best decision for your lifestyle and budget, we will provide a detailed breakdown of the estimated cost for your treatment. Not every practice does this, so be sure and ask what is included in any quote you receive. As an additional service, we also offer plastic surgery financing options to make payment as simple and convenient as possible.

  • What will rhinoplasty scars look like?

    Most patients heal very well after nose surgery, and many find the scars unnoticeable. The location of the incision will depend on whether you have an open or closed procedure. If the technique used is a closed one, you may not have any visible scars. Open rhinoplasty uses an incision on the fleshy bridge between the nostrils to gain access to the internal structures. This, too, should heal to the point that the average person likely would not notice the mark. To further enhance the result, our practice offers laser skin resurfacing to help minimize the appearance of an operation.

Schedule A Consultation For Rhinoplasty 

For more information on nose reshaping, or if you would like to schedule a rhinoplasty consultation in Las Vegas with Dr. Hankins or Dr. Sohn, please contact our office.

1 Bouaoud J, Loustau M, Belloc JB. Functional and Aesthetic Factors Associated with Revision of Rhinoplasty. Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open. 2018;6(9):e1884. Published 2018 Sep 5. doi:10.1097/GOX.0000000000001884. Accessed April 23, 2020.

2 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. 2018 Plastic Surgery Statistics Report. Available: Accessed April 23, 2020.

3 Mayo Clinic. Rhinoplasty. Available: Accessed April 23, 2020.

This content has either been authored or reviewed and approved by the doctors at Hankins & Sohn Plastic Surgery Associates.